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The chemical composition of passionflower is very rich, it is distinguished by the content of a large number of vitamins (A, group B, C, E, PP) and minerals (magnesium, iodine, iron, calcium, fluorine, and others), and also includes saponins, quinones, flavonoids.


The fruits of passionflower blue are also beneficial for the human body due to the content of vitamin C, mineral salts, and fiber. Passionflower may help:


  • calm the nervous system, thereby eliminating the negative effects of stress (headache, insomnia, various types of neuroses);
  • stabilize the level of hormonal levels during menopause and menopause;
  • prevent attacks of asthmatic suffocation and involuntary muscle cramps;
  • eliminate the craving for alcohol and smoking.


Valerian drops are included in the list of the most popular medicines. Preparations based on this plant can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.